Building an Offline-First React Web App Using WatermelonDB in Phoenix (Elixir)

We will build a web application that supports local db synced with remote db. This post is a continuation from the previous post: How to Build WatermelonDB Sync Backend in Elixir.

$ cd assets
$ npm i react react-dom uuid @nozbe/watermelondb @nozbe/with-observables
$ npm i -D @babel/preset-react @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties @babel/plugin-transform-runtime

Configure assets/.babelrc:

    "presets": [
        "@babel/preset-env", "@babel/preset-react"
    "plugins": [
        ["@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators", { "legacy": true }],
        ["@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties", { "loose": true }],
             "helpers": true,
             "regenerator": true

Remove entirely lib/blog_app_web/templates/page/index.html.eex and replace it with this code:

<div id="blog-app" />

All frontend code related to blog app will be located in assets/js/blog. So, we will import entry point of blog app in assets/js/app.js:

// assets/js/app.js
import "../css/app.scss"
import "phoenix_html"
import "./blog"
// assets/js/blog/index.js
import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { Database } from '@nozbe/watermelondb'
import LokiJSAdapter from '@nozbe/watermelondb/adapters/lokijs'
import DatabaseProvider from '@nozbe/watermelondb/DatabaseProvider'

import schema from './model/schema'
import Post from './model/Post'

import App from './App'

const adapter = new LokiJSAdapter({
  useWebWorker: false,
  useIncrementalIndexedDB: true,
  onIndexedDBVersionChange: () => {
    if (checkIfUserIsLoggedIn()) {

const database = new Database({
  modelClasses: [
  actionsEnabled: true,

const rootElement = document.getElementById('blog-app');

  <DatabaseProvider database={database}>
    <App />
// assets/js/blog/model/schema.js
import { appSchema, tableSchema } from '@nozbe/watermelondb'

const mySchema = appSchema({
    version: 1,
    tables: [
            name: 'posts',
            columns: [
                { name: 'title', type: 'string' },
                { name: 'content', type: 'string' },
                { name: 'likes', type: 'number' },
                { name: 'created_at', type: 'number' },
                { name: 'updated_at', type: 'number' },

export default mySchema
// assets/js/blog/model/Post.js
import { Model } from '@nozbe/watermelondb'
import { field, date, readonly } from '@nozbe/watermelondb/decorators'

export default class Post extends Model {
    static table = 'posts'

    @field('title') title
    @field('content') content
    @field('likes') likes
    @readonly @date('created_at') createdAt
    @readonly @date('updated_at') updatedAt

<App/> consists of:

  • <PostForm/>
  • <PostList/>
    • <PostRow/> for each row data

As parent component, App handles all actions related to form (Add New/Reset, Save, Sync) and row data (Edit, Delete).

// assets/js/blog/App.js
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { useDatabase } from '@nozbe/watermelondb/hooks'
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';

import syncData from './sync'
import PostList from './PostList'
import PostForm from './PostForm'

export default function App() {
    const database = useDatabase()
    const [post, setPost] = useState()
    const postsCollection = database.collections.get("posts");

    function clearPost() {

    function onEdit(selectedPost) {

    async function onDelete(selectedPost) {
        await database.action(async () => {
            await selectedPost.markAsDeleted()

    async function createPost(inputtedForm) {
        await database.action(async () => {
            const newPost = await postsCollection.create(post => {
       = uuidv4()
                post.title = inputtedForm.title
                post.content = inputtedForm.content
                post.likes = inputtedForm.likes

    async function updatePost(currentPost, inputtedForm) {
        await database.action(async () => {
            await currentPost.update(post => {
                post.title = inputtedForm.title
                post.content = inputtedForm.content
                post.likes = inputtedForm.likes

    return (
            <PostForm post={post} clearPost={clearPost} createPost={createPost} updatePost={updatePost} syncData={() => syncData(database)} />
            <PostList onEdit={onEdit} onDelete={onDelete} />
// assets/js/blog/PostForm.js
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

export default function PostForm({ post, clearPost, createPost, updatePost, syncData }) {
    const [title, setTitle] = useState(post ? post.title : "")
    const [content, setContent] = useState(post ? post.content : "")
    const [likes, setLikes] = useState(post ? post.likes : "")

    useEffect(() => {
        setTitle(post ? post.title : "")
        setContent(post ? post.content : "")
        setLikes(post ? post.likes : "")
    }, [post])

    const onReset = (e) => {

    const onSync = (e) => {

    const onSubmit = async (e) => {

        const inputtedForm = { title, content, likes: parseInt(likes) }

        if (post) {
            await updatePost(post, inputtedForm)
        } else {
            await createPost(inputtedForm)

    const clearForm = () => {

    return (
                <input type="text" value={title} onChange={(e) => setTitle(} />
                <input type="text" value={content} onChange={(e) => setContent(} />
                <input type="number" value={likes} onChange={(e) => setLikes(} />
            <button className="button button-outline" onClick={onReset}>Add New / Reset</button>
            <button onClick={onSubmit}>Save</button>
            <button className="button button-clear" onClick={onSync}>Sync</button>

PostList is enhanced component wrapped with withObservables to become reactive whenever data in posts get added or deleted.

// assets/js/blog/PostList.js
import React from 'react';
import withObservables from "@nozbe/with-observables";
import { withDatabase } from '@nozbe/watermelondb/DatabaseProvider'
import PostRow from './PostRow'

const PostList = ({ posts, onEdit, onDelete }) => (
                <th>Created At</th>
                <th>Updated At</th>
            { => <PostRow key={} post={post} onEdit={onEdit} onDelete={onDelete} />)}

export default withDatabase(withObservables([], ({ database }) => ({
    posts: database.collections.get('posts').query().observe(),

PostRow is also reactive component. It will automatically rerender the component whenever data changes (i.e. post get updated).

// assets/js/blog/PostRow.js
import React from 'react';
import withObservables from "@nozbe/with-observables";

const PostRow = ({ post, onEdit, onDelete }) => (
    <tr key={}>
            <button onClick={(e) => {onEdit(post)}}>Edit</button>
            <button onClick={(e) => {onDelete(post)}}>Delete</button>

export default withObservables(["post"], ({ post }) => ({
    post: post.observe()

Along with the backend, this is the core of sync capability in our app. On the previous post, I have explained in detail why it needs a workaround. Please read that first.

// assets/js/blog/sync.js
import { synchronize } from '@nozbe/watermelondb/sync'

export default async function syncData(database) {
    let latestVersionOfSession = 0
    let changesOfSession = {}

    await synchronize({
        pullChanges: async ({ lastPulledAt }) => {
            const response = await fetch(`http://localhost:4000/api/sync/pull?lastPulledVersion=${lastPulledAt || 0}`)
            if (!response.ok) {
                throw new Error(await response.text())

            const { changes, latestVersion } = await response.json()
            latestVersionOfSession = latestVersion
            changesOfSession = changes

            return { changes, timestamp: latestVersion }
        pushChanges: async ({ changes, lastPulledAt }) => {
            const response = await fetch(`http://localhost:4000/api/sync/push?lastPulledVersion=${lastPulledAt || 0}`, {
                method: 'POST',
                headers: {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                body: JSON.stringify(changes)
            if (!response.ok) {
                throw new Error(await response.text())
            const { changes: changesFromPush, latestVersion } = await response.json()
            latestVersionOfSession = latestVersion
            changesOfSession = changesFromPush

    await synchronize({
        pullChanges: async ({ lastPulledAt }) => {
            return { changes: changesOfSession, timestamp: latestVersionOfSession }
        pushChanges: async ({ changes, lastPulledAt }) => {
            throw new Error(await response.text())
$ cd ../ # cd to project directory (blog_app)
$ mix phx.server

Open http://localhost:4000

All code (sync backend and frontend app) is available on